
Harapan Memiliki Rumah Minimalis untuk Keluarga Baru

[ 7.09.2014 | ]
Memiliki rumah bagi pasangan baru yang sudah berkeluarga adalah salah satu yang diidam idamkan, entah itu rumah minimalis maupun yang sederhana. Pasalnya tempat tinggal adalah satu kebutuhan pokok yang tidak bisa ditunda tunda dalam pemilikannya. Banyak cara untuk memilikinya mulai dari membeli sebidang tanah atau bisa juga berupa kavling perumahan kemudian membangun rumah dengan desain sendiri, atau membeli langsung jadi dalam komplek perumahan bagi yang mempunyai dana lebih mengingat harga rumah sekarang sudah amat sangat mahal.

Ada beberapa kelemahan dan keuntungan jika kita membeli berupa tanah. Kelemahannya jika kita membangun dengan desain sendiri bisa dipastikan budget kita akan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan membeli langsung jadi, desain lengkap rumah bisa dilihat di rumahin.com karena biasanya perencanaan biaya tidak sesuai karena detail detail kecil rumah kurang diperhitungkan. Misalnya dari segi bahan katakanlah kayu, saat perencanaan kita sudah tau harga pasaran kayu, tapi saat ekskusi pasti ada pertimbangan akan membeli bahan kau yang lebih bagus dan hal ini memang mempengaruhi dari segi emosional kita. Jika kita tidak berpegang teguh pada rencana awal sudah bisa dipastikan akan membengkak biaya pembuatan rumahnya. Keuntungannya adalah jika keuangan kita terbatas tidak ada salahnya kita mencicil tanah terlebih dahulu dengan harapan dikemudian hari kita bisa kapan saja membangun rumah jika keuangan sudah mencukupi. Selain itu kita bisa memilih lokasi yang sangat strategis entah itu di sebelah dengan keluarga maupun dipinggir pinggir jalan yang bisa memudahkan akses untuk ke tempat kerja dsb dimana jika kita membeli di perumahan maka hal ini jarang didapatkan.

Jika kita membeli rumah di perumahan ada kekurangan dan kelebihan yang sebaliknya seperti kita membeli tanah saja. Sebenarnya walaupun kita belum mempunyai dana membeli rumah perumahan kita bisa mengajukan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah atau dikenal luas dengan istilah KPR. KPR adalah kredit dari bank yang digunakan untuk membeli rumah yang dengan agunan rumah itu sendiri. Minimal kita membeli DP 30% dari harga rumah yang kita beli. Misal harga rumah adalah 300 juta, maka setidaknya dengan uang 90juta kita bisa mengambil kredit KPR, mudah kan. Tapi sisi negatif KPR sendiri adalah bunga bank yang sangat mencekik. Tapi kredit KPR dinilai lebih bijak daripada kredit berupa barang elektronik semisal HP, gadget bahkan mobil yang bukan dari kebutuhan pokok kita.
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Justin Bieber 6 September 2011

[ 9.05.2011 | 2 comments ]
Like many basketball fans are concerned, the defense Steve Nash was not worse. To those people I say, never say never. Play a game of pick-up action is the largest ring in Canada in recent years, the NBA MVP twice crossed the line and beat a teenage pop idol Justin base. One thing is to keep the owners against world class as Chris Paul or Tony Parker in front of you. However, it is another thing to Bieber to make it look like a tourniquet. Be concerned about setting up choosing one on the left, Nash shine as a way to freeze the movement of cross Bieber elegant rack upside down. It is possible, even likely, that Nash was 37 years do not try to show up to 17 years, but it will not stop the critics Nash point of connection between moderate one-on-one defensive skills and clip it. Fortunately, Nash has many fans who rush to defend it, especially the commentators Basketball Jones'm pretty sure that should have been whistled Bieber to carry out this work. It comes in a casual game, most likely, Nash does not think a lot of work today. Big mistake. After the band shared a video with more than 12 million followers on Twitter, which is ubiquitous. At the end of the short video, the camera under the basket Bieber's girlfriend, Selena Gomez was looking for. Ouch actress 19 years with joy as his girlfriend was shot down. Bieber was bet is not a surprise to Nash as a teen idol named MVP in the NBA All-Star weekend in 2011 All-Star NBA in Los Angeles. Read the full story »

How To Make Money Online

[ 1.14.2011 | 1 comments ]
How to Make Money Online3 How to Make Money Online
How to Make Money Online

Nowadays, each day increasingly people are looking for option ways how to make money, or to earn a living, both in the online (and so called how to make money online) and offline (and so called how to make money offline) worlds people are beginning actualize that having got a ‘job’.

The growing number of people who have been seeking to make money online in recent years they’ve collectively a program or plan for success that’s warranted to work. It’s guaranteed because it’s the system of rules that they apply themselves.

Little people in the cyber world (internet) have been making income online for a number of years now, they’ve fine-tuned their systems and are confident that they can launch products to marketplace cyber world from most niches with success.

Anyway, How to make money online fast is a dream (indeed) of many and is all possible, most people people in cyber world however didn’t do it all that fast at all a litle people finished doing it the difficult way looking for crumbs of selective information publishes by gurus and then called gurus and working the rest out on his own.

There are a number of techniques to make income online roughly faster than other people, the truths of the matter are, the more income you’ve to expend the faster your results will be. That said you’ll be able to waste a chance learning how to make money online.

Thusly we have put this site collectively to out of box a few mutually exclusive ways, that people can set about generating an income, including affiliate selling (amazon affiliate, ebay affiliate, etc), building more and more blog, website (free and paid) and then put some adsense get money online when other people click your adsense from your website or other Paid to Click except google adsense, selling ebooks, selling theme and plugin for blog, selling article, make review from their blog about website other people (Paid to Review),  and even stock market investing in online. When you spend money offline, cyberworld (internet) make money online too for you. So, What’s on your mind now???

Source how to make money online blog.

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